Video by Ellen Webre at Two Idiots Peddling Poetry, Orange, CA
From Poets:
"In a time when we’re finally finding the platform to embrace our wholeness unfiltered, it’s such a delicious experience to relish in Nadia Alamah’s debut poetry chapbook, Yalla Habibi." - Lady Narrator, OC
"The beauty of this book ls in how easily it connects with the reader. Yalla Habibi [...] welcomes the reader into its pages." - Glen Birdsall, Flint
"[Yalla Habibi] really opens a door to a different world for those who have never heard/seen/met with this type of culture. I’d encourage anyone to read it and it continuously impresses me!" - Mouminat Damer, OC
Dear Reader,
Please enjoy a free digital copy of my latest poetry chapbook, Yalla Habibi! Just as it is. It took me years to figure out how to write identity poems in my own voice. Yalla Habibi is a start of a new journey exploring the fine line between being both Lebanese and American. I just want to get it into as many hands as possible so that those who might not know someone of my cultural heritage can enjoy the tangled forest walk into family history and a living fusion of cultures.
If you like the read, you can show your support by:
- giving a shoutout on social media! To take from Dumbledore, "Words [...] are our most inexhaustible source of magic."
- contacting me if you would like to purchase a print copy! Or just share your thoughts after reading!
Most importantly, this chapbook has roots in immigrant stories. Right now we have a border crisis, and RAICES is doing something about it. Learn more about their cause by clicking the button below.
Much love,
Nadia the Llama
P.S. I'll be putting up a video here soon about how to pronounce the Arabic words! The numbers are a stand-in for some Arabic letters.
Download here!
Video by Ellen Webre at Two Idiots Peddling Poetry, Orange, CA
Video by Ellen Webre at Two Idiots Peddling Poetry, Orange, CA